Once you place an order with Learniture, our dedicated team monitors shipping and delivery until you are completely satisfied. Here are some common questions regarding our shipping process that may help you while browsing our wide selection of products. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-866-619-2776 for personalized assistance.
Shipping times vary based on your location and the type of item you are ordering. An estimated shipping time will be provided to you before checkout is completed and then emailed to you once the order has been confirmed. You can always check the status of your order by calling our customer service team at 1-866-619-2776 or by clicking the link at the top of the page.
Shipping rates also vary based on your location, as well as the weight and size of the item you are ordering. The best way to know the shipping rate for an item is to use the “calculate shipping” button available on each product page.
We ship our products using both ground and freight carriers. Depending on the size and weight of your order, each of your items will be shipped via one of these methods. Lighter items can be delivered via ground shipping, while heavy or oversized items must be delivered via freight truck.
Yes! We can certainly help coordinate your delivery to ensure that someone is available to receive and inspect it. Depending on your location and the size of your order, there may be a small additional fee for this service.
During checkout you can add a number of convenient delivery services including:
International shipping, which must be arranged through our friendly sales team by calling 1-866-619-2776.
Lift Gate – a motorized lift that will lower your order to the ground from the back of the truck.
Please note: This service is not needed if your facility has a loading dock.
Inside Delivery – the driver will move your order - generally no more than 50ft from the truck - to deliver items inside your building. Drivers will not move items over any steps and may need assistance with oversized or very heavy items. Please note: If you do not have a loading dock and would like inside delivery, you must also add lift gate service.
White Glove – a service that includes inside delivery, light assembly of items, removal of packaging after inspection. We offer even more shipping and delivery services to address specific needs as well. Please contact us for any special requests and our expert Sales team will help you coordinate a smooth delivery.
We have a convenient order tracker available here. Simply fill in your order number and the phone number or email address associated with the order to see its current status. You can also access this tracker at the top of the page or through the link provided in your order confirmation email.
We will email you with updates regarding delivery of your order. Depending on which delivery services you selected, you may receive a call shortly before delivery. Please note: It is very important the phone number and email address provided for delivery contact is active and able to be answered in a timely manner to avoid any miscommunication or delays.
If you are no longer able to receive your delivery during the original appointment time, a new appointment can be made. When a delivery is attempted but no one is there to receive it, there will likely be additional fees incurred. Please contact us immediately if there is any reason you will not be able to receive an order so that we can coordinate with you to avoid any additional fees.
If your order arrives and you subsequently decide you need assistance with your order, please contact us before the driver leaves. In most cases, additional services can be authorized over the phone. If a delivery is refused, additional fees may be charged for redelivery or a return will be processed at your expense. Please note: This policy excludes damaged or incorrect items.
In the rare instance that your order arrives with damage or another issue, there are many ways to resolve this. If your order is only partially missing, please accept the order and note on the delivery receipt or bill of lading the number of missing pieces. If the item is incorrect or damaged, you may refuse some or all of your shipment simply by noting your decision on the delivery receipt or bill of lading. Please report any issues to our customer service team immediately by calling 1-844-619-9400.
All shipments must be inspected within five business days of delivery, although we strongly suggest fully inspecting your order at the time of delivery. Please retain all packaging until you have inspected your order and are fully satisfied with your items. Any damaged items can be replaced at no additional cost to you, as long as they are reported within our five-day policy and the original packaging is retained.
If you inspect your shipment and find that some items or parts are missing, please be sure to note this on your delivery receipt or bill of lading. Please contact our customer service team immediately to report any missing parts. Any missing items and parts will be shipped to you as quickly as possible.
If you receive the wrong item, please be sure to open the item to make sure that it is incorrect, as packaging errors are more likely than shipping errors and the exterior packaging may be mislabeled. Once you have confirmed that you have the wrong item, please contact us immediately so that we can resolve this issue for you as quickly as possible.
Each of our products have their own warranties, which can be viewed on the product page. If you have questions about a specific product warranty, feel free to contact our knowledgeable Sales team at 1-844-619-9400 for detailed information.
Yes, we accept returns. We have a two-week return policy, though there are some restrictions and exceptions. Our full return policy is available to view here. You can start a return by contacting our customer service team at 1-844-619-9400.